Something I hate about wifi (wireless internet)...
Damn that wifi... I am constantly searching for an unprotected wifi network to enter and surf the net... Simple stuff like checking a mail or fml and some other sites. No torrent downloading and that sort of heavy things. So guess what I hate... I hate those freakin' "protected" wifi networks. I hate having to search the whole house inch to inch just in case there is an open network for me...
And I hate that there is no open wifi network EVERYWHERE, on the streets, on the cafes, on the snack bars, on the toilets, on the parks and the squares, on the desert, on the north pole... e v e r y w h e r e. Damn you internet. There is something I hate about you too... on the next post...
P.S. I have internet access on my house, but my girlfriends house is another story... 12 networks found all of them locked...
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